Dr. Geri-Ann Galanti is a teacher, speaker, author and leading expert in the field of cultural diversity. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa from UCLA where she received her doctorate in Anthropology with an emphasis in medical anthropology. She taught at Cal State University in both the School of Nursing and the Department of Anthropology, as well as the Doctoring Program at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, where she received an Outstanding Teacher Award.
- Author
- Bio

Geri-Ann Galanti has written the definitive book to help clinicians understand the complexities and nuances of the world’s culture areas. Now in its 5th edition, Caring for Patients from Different Cultures provides hundreds of case studies and examples of cultural diversity within healthcare settings. Her book and published articles continue to be valuable resources to increase cultural competence for professionals and students.
Published Articles
Caring for Patients From Different Cultures, 5th edition. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Galanti, Geri-Ann (2015)
Cultural Sensitivity: A Pocket Guide for Health Care Professionals, 2nd ed. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: Joint Commission Resources. Galanti, G. (2012)
How to Provide Culturally Competent Healthcare. (E)Hospital 11(4)22-24. Galanti, Geri-Ann & Sheikh, Aziz (2009)
The Hispanic Family and Male-Female Relationships: An Overview. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 14(3): 180-185. Galanti, Geri-Ann. (2003)
Human Diversity and Health Care. Carson, CA: Division of Nursing, CSU Dominguez Hills. Galanti, Geri-Ann and Shea, Carole A. (2002-2006)
Japanese Americans and Self-care West J Med 2001 174(3): 208-209. Galanti, Geri-Ann (2001)
Filipino Attitudes Toward Pain Medication. West J Med 173(4):278-279. Galanti, Geri-Ann (2000)
Iranian Births. West J Med 173(1) 67-68. Galanti, Geri-Ann (2000)
Vietnamese Family Relationships.West J Med 172(6): 415-416. Galanti, Geri-Ann (2000)
An Introduction to Cultural Differences. West J Med 172(5): 335- 336. Galanti, Geri-Ann (2000)
Culture and Health: Student Module Text (3rd ed.) Carson, CA: Statewide Nursing Program, CSU Dominguez Hills. Thorpe, Barbara and Galanti, Geri-Ann (1994)

In addition to teaching nurses and medical students, Galanti has worked on a number of grant projects to develop materials for training health care providers to provide more culturally competent care.
Ph.D. (1981); M.A. (1976); B.A. (1972) UCLA Anthropology
Teaching Appointments
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA (Doctoring Curriculum)
(1997 – 2018)
Division of Nursing CSU Dominguez Hills
(1983 – 2010)
Department of Anthropology CSU Los Angeles
(1980-1983; 1987 – 2010)
Related Experience
Course Content Expert for “Cultural Diversity in Health Care” in the BSN Program in the School of Nursing at CSU Dominguez Hills.
Cultural Consultant on a 5 year grant project through the UC Schools of Medicine entitled “Statewide Initiative to Disseminate an End-of-Life Curriculum” funded through the National Cancer Institute. Responsibilities included writing scripts and developing videos and tutorials.
Curriculum developer on “Cultural Competence in Medical Student Education: An Integrated and Developmentally Informed Curriculum” at UC Davis. Funded through the Association of American Medical Colleges.
Curriculum developer and trainer on cultural competency for the The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Office of Diversity Programs, funded through The California Endowment.
Consultant on the “Interactive ELSI Curriculum for Primary Care Residents” a 3-year grant to develop, implement, and evaluate a web-based training program for medical residents to deal with the ethical, legal, and sociocultural issues surrounding genetic counseling. Funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute though UCLA School of Medicine, UC Davis School of Medicine, and U of Washington School of Medicine. Responsibilities included writing scripts and developing videos and tutorials.
Member of the working group on Cultural Diversity in Health Care for the Russell Sage Foundation.
Project Consultant and Designer & Developer of the project training manual and sessions for the CHISPA project (Caring for Hispanic Patients Interactively), an interactive e-Learning program, through a grant awarded to the Long Beach Community College District.
Editor of Medicine and Culture section for West J Med (Western Journal of Medicine).
Developer and teacher for televised Culture and Health course for cable television via JEC College Connection.
Honors and Awards
Winner of the Outstanding Clinical Faculty Teaching Award for the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA School of Medicine (2008)
Winner of a Mary Hanna Memorial Journalism Award (2006)
Chancellor’s Fellowship UCLA (1977)
Phi Beta Kappa (1972)
- Author
- Speaker
- Bio

Geri-Ann Galanti has written the definitive book to help clinicians understand the complexities and nuances of the world’s culture areas. Now in its 5th edition, Caring for Patients from Different Cultures provides hundreds of case studies and examples of cultural diversity within healthcare settings. Her book and published articles continue to be valuable resources to increase cultural competence for professionals and students.
Published Articles
Caring for Patients From Different Cultures, 5th edition. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Galanti, Geri-Ann (2015)
Cultural Sensitivity: A Pocket Guide for Health Care Professionals, 2nd ed. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: Joint Commission Resources. Galanti, G. (2012)
How to Provide Culturally Competent Healthcare. (E)Hospital 11(4)22-24. Galanti, Geri-Ann & Sheikh, Aziz (2009)
The Hispanic Family and Male-Female Relationships: An Overview. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 14(3): 180-185. Galanti, Geri-Ann. (2003)
Human Diversity and Health Care. Carson, CA: Division of Nursing, CSU Dominguez Hills. Galanti, Geri-Ann and Shea, Carole A. (2002-2006)
Japanese Americans and Self-care West J Med 2001 174(3): 208-209. Galanti, Geri-Ann (2001)
Filipino Attitudes Toward Pain Medication. West J Med 173(4):278-279. Galanti, Geri-Ann (2000)
Iranian Births. West J Med 173(1) 67-68. Galanti, Geri-Ann (2000)
Vietnamese Family Relationships.West J Med 172(6): 415-416. Galanti, Geri-Ann (2000)
An Introduction to Cultural Differences. West J Med 172(5): 335- 336. Galanti, Geri-Ann (2000)
Culture and Health: Student Module Text (3rd ed.) Carson, CA: Statewide Nursing Program, CSU Dominguez Hills. Thorpe, Barbara and Galanti, Geri-Ann (1994)

Geri-Ann is a frequent speaker at medical and nursing conferences. She has conducted workshops on cultural diversity issues in healthcare for physicans, nurses, pharmacists, managers. Her programs have been sponsored by:
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons National Conference in New Orleans, LA
American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference in Boston, MA
American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Conference in Minneapolis, MN
Association of Rhabilitation Nurses Conference in Kansas City, MO
Black Barbershop Health Outreach Program on Cultural Competency in Santa Monica, CA
California Heart Center Foundation, UCLA in Los Angeles, CA
California Hospital in Los Angeles, CA
California Society of Industrial Medicine & Surgery in Santa Clara, CA
California State University Student Health Services in Los Angeles, CA
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, CA
Center for Professional Development in Bloomington, MN
Citizens Medical Center in Victoria, TX
City of Hope in Duarte, CA
Clarian Hospitals in Indianapolis, IN
Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center in Cleveland, OH
Council of Practical Nurse Programs of New York State Annual Conference in Albany, NY
Crossing Borders Conference at the University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing in Arlington, TX
Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital in Inglewood, CA
Daughters of Charity Health System in Los Angeles, CA and San Jose, CA
Diversity Awareness Symposium, Kaiser Permanente Baldwin Park Medical Center in Baldwin Park, CA
Diversity Council of Kaiser Foundation Hospitals in Los Angeles, CA
Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, PA
Glendale Adventist Hospital in Glendale, CA
Global Care Medical Group at Centinela Hospital in Inglewood, CA
Health Care Interpreter Conference in Marlborough, MA
Hendrick Medical Center in Abilene, TX
Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, PA
Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach, CA
Hospital of the Good Samaritan in Los Angeles, CA
Institute for Healthcare Advancement’s Health Literacy Conference in Irvine, CA
Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Fontana, CA
Latino health Care Symposium in Rochester, NY
Logansport Memorial Hospital, Logansport, IN
Loma Linda School of Nursing in Loma Linda, CA
Minority Health Conference in Los Angeles, CA
NYU Lagone Cancer Institute in New York, NY
Palliative Care Conference in Riverside, CA
Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles, CA
Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center in Pomona, CA
Providence Portland Medical Center Oncology Clinic in Portland, OR
Rheumatology Nurses Society in Chicago, IL
Saint Francis Hospital in Poughkeepsie, NY
San Antonio Community Hospital in San Antonio, TX
San Diego Nursing Oncology in San Diego, CA
San Gabriel Medical Center in San Gabriel, CA
San Jose Medical Group in San Jose, CA
San Pedro Peninsula Hospital in San Pedro, CA
Santa Paula Hospital in Santa Paula, CA
Sarnat Symposium at the Los Angeles Jewish Home in Reseda, CA
Sea Courses CME programs onboard ships in Alaska, India, and Indonesia and Malaysia
Southeast Missouri Hospital in Cape Girardeau, MO
St. John’s Hospital in Santa Monica, CA
St. Joseph’s Hospital in Marshfield, WI
St. Joseph’s Hospital, Marshfield, WI
Sutter Medical Center in Sacramento, CA
Sutter Memorial Hospital in Sacramento, CA
Texas Health Resources in Dallas, TX
UniHealth Perinatal Educators SIG Group Symposium in Buena Park, CA
United Healthcare Health Plan of Nevada in Las Vegas, NV
United Healthcare of Nevada in Las Vegas, NV
University of Florida and Shands in Jacksonville, FL
University of Iowa College of Medicine, College of Dentistry, Carver College of Nursing, and College of Pharmacy in Iowa City, IA
University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS
USC Medical Center in Los Angeles, CA
Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, CA

In addition to teaching nurses and medical students, Galanti has worked on a number of grant projects to develop materials for training health care providers to provide more culturally competent care.
Ph.D. (1981); M.A. (1976); B.A. (1972) UCLA Anthropology
Teaching Appointments
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA (Doctoring Curriculum)
(1997 – 2018)
Division of Nursing CSU Dominguez Hills
(1983 – 2010)
Department of Anthropology CSU Los Angeles
(1980-1983; 1987 – 2010)
Related Experience
Course Content Expert for “Cultural Diversity in Health Care” in the BSN Program in the School of Nursing at CSU Dominguez Hills.
Cultural Consultant on a 5 year grant project through the UC Schools of Medicine entitled “Statewide Initiative to Disseminate an End-of-Life Curriculum” funded through the National Cancer Institute. Responsibilities included writing scripts and developing videos and tutorials.
Curriculum developer on “Cultural Competence in Medical Student Education: An Integrated and Developmentally Informed Curriculum” at UC Davis. Funded through the Association of American Medical Colleges.
Curriculum developer and trainer on cultural competency for the The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Office of Diversity Programs, funded through The California Endowment.
Consultant on the “Interactive ELSI Curriculum for Primary Care Residents” a 3-year grant to develop, implement, and evaluate a web-based training program for medical residents to deal with the ethical, legal, and sociocultural issues surrounding genetic counseling. Funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute though UCLA School of Medicine, UC Davis School of Medicine, and U of Washington School of Medicine. Responsibilities included writing scripts and developing videos and tutorials.
Member of the working group on Cultural Diversity in Health Care for the Russell Sage Foundation.
Project Consultant and Designer & Developer of the project training manual and sessions for the CHISPA project (Caring for Hispanic Patients Interactively), an interactive e-Learning program, through a grant awarded to the Long Beach Community College District.
Editor of Medicine and Culture section for West J Med (Western Journal of Medicine).
Developer and teacher for televised Culture and Health course for cable television via JEC College Connection.
Honors and Awards
Winner of the Outstanding Clinical Faculty Teaching Award for the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA School of Medicine (2008)
Winner of a Mary Hanna Memorial Journalism Award (2006)
Chancellor’s Fellowship UCLA (1977)
Phi Beta Kappa (1972)
Questions? Comments?
Contact Geri-Ann