Learn more about cultural diversity in healthcare. Explore the vast collection of resources curated just for you. And, read the book Caring for Patients from Different Cultures.
- Books and Handbooks
- Articles
- Education and Training
- Films
- Websites
Caring for Patients From Different Cultures, 5th edition
The definitive book on cultural differences in healthcare, written by Geri-Ann Galanti, contains over 300 case studies and examples of what can go wrong … and suggestions on how to make it right. A fun and informative guide to cultural competence.
Culture and Clinical Care
Each of 35 chapters, written by different authors and edited by Juliene Lipson & Suzanne Dibble, looks at a specific culture area with information relevant to clinical care.
Culture and the Clinical Encounter
A collection of “critical incidents” in health care settings by R.C. Gropper, offering the reader a choice of responses and discussion of each. Excellent resource for workshops.
NEW Third Expanded Edition.
Also available as a mobile app.
Cultural and Religious Sensitivity: A Pocket Guide for Health Care Professionals, Third, Expanded Edition
A handy pocket reference guide, written by Geri-Ann Galanti and published by Joint Commission Resources contains the important principles underlying culturally competent health care. It provides easy access to potential patient behaviors and beliefs that impact your success in providing care.
The Culture Map
Although the book by Erin Meyer focuses on business, rather than healthcare, the cultural patterns identified can easily be related to healthcare settings.
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
Anne Fadiman explores the tragic cultural clash between competent and caring doctors and a refugee family from Laos over the care of a young Hmong child diagnosed with severe epilepsy.
The articles below were written by Geri-Ann Galanti
Introduction to Cultural Differences
Culturally Competent Rehabilitation Nursing PDF only
Culturally Competent Healthcare PDF only
Perianesthesia Nursing (Winner of a 2006 Mary Hanna Memorial Journalism Award.)
Filipinos & Pain Medication
Iranian Births
Vietnamese Family Relationships
Japanese Americans and Self-Care
The Challenge of Serving and Working with Diverse Populations in American Hospitals PDF only
Hispanic Families and Male-Female RelationshipsPDF only
Education & Training
E-Learning Course: The Cultural Competence in Health Series
Developed by Geri-Ann Galanti for any professional who provides care for patients, including physicans, nurses, assistants, pharmacists and physical therapists. It earns 9 units of CME, and is offered through PerforMax3.
Religous and Cultural Competence for Medical Students
Free resource and curriculum for medical educators to improve the knowledge and practice skills of their students in caring for religiously and culturally diverse patients. Each module includes a PowerPoint presentation and facilitator’s guide. Geri-Ann Galanti was a consultant/reviewer of this resource.
Council on Nursing and Anthropology
Facebook page for Academic organization of nurse-anthropologists who meet each year at the Society for Applied Anthropology meetings. Their mission is to explore culture and client care, the teaching of culture, and the preparation of nurses as culturally competent caregivers.
Society for Medical Anthropology
A section of the American Anthropological Association, serving the needs of anthropologists and scholar activists who address issues of local, national and international health importance.
Transcultural Nursing Society
A nursing organization which seeks to provide nurses and other health care professionals with the knowledge base necessary to ensure cultural competence in practice, education, research, and administration. They have a yearly conference and publish a journal.
Patient Diversity: Beyond the Vital Signs
This comprehensive training program from CRM Learning features a 20-minute video and a Leader’s Guide with exercises and role-plays for 2-4 hours worth of training on the topic of cultural diversity in healthcare. Galanti was a consultant on the film and wrote the Leader’s Guide. Read more…
Cultural Issues in the Clinical Setting-Series A and B
Kaiser Permanente’s award winning cultural issues are accompanied by support materials for facilitators and participants. The vignettes raise numerous issues around differing health beliefs and practices, conflicting values, stereotyping, overt and covert prejudices, and language barriers. The DVD is 70 minutes long and contains 10 vignettes. Download order form. Read more…
Multicultural Health Series
Kaiser Permanente and The California Endowment collaborated on this set of case studies, accompanied by a facilitator’s discussion guide, focusing on cross-cultural interactions between patients of diverse backgrounds and their healthcare providers. There are a total of 10 vignettes, 6-11 minutes each. Download order form. Read more…
Worlds Apart
A Four-Part Series on Cross-Cultural Healthcare from Fanlight Productions. It contains 4 documentaries, each highlighting a different ethnic group, disease, and cultural issue. Comes with an excellent facilitator’s guide. Films range from 10-14 minutes each. Read more…
The Provider’s Guide to Quality & Culture
This comprehensive website is designed for clinicians to help them provide culturally competent healthcare. It contains an interesting Quality & Culture Quiz, as well as information on several ethnic groups, along with links and other resources.
EthnoMed Home Page
Contains information about cultural beliefs, medical issues and other related issues pertinent to the health care of recent immigrants to Seattle, many of whom are refugees fleeing war-torn parts of the world.
Cross Cultural Health Care Program
Contains information on cultural competency training, interpreter training, and research projects.
Think Cultural Health
This government website includes the latest information regarding CLAS (Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Service in Health and Health Care) Standards.
Specific Topics
Heart Healthy Recipes
Downloadable,heart-healthy cookbooks from the NIH on African American, Asian, Latino, and other dishes.
Minority Health
The CDC’s website on minority health, with links to information, publications, reports, and resources.
End of Life
Culturally Diverse Communities and End of Life Care
The American Academy of Family Physicians guidelines on end-of-life care for various ethnic communities.
Ethnic/Religious Groups
Website from Santa Clara University’s Markkula Center for Applied Ethics looks at the challenges confronting Hispanics in American health care settings, and includes reflections and cases.
Article on Cultural Competence in the Care of Muslim Patients and Their Families from the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Native Americans
Article with suggestions for building better trust with American Indian patients.
Genetic Counseling
Genetic Counseling
Cultural and Linguistic Competence Toolkit for genetic counselors.
Health Information Translations
Provides handouts with information about health topics in multiple languages.
Medical Spanish for Healthcare Providers
The site is presented as a free medical Spanish immersion, with vocabulary including greetings, history, examination, and everyday speech, all with translation and audio. It is designed to be helpful for a variety of medical personnel.